Physical activities for older people


The number of older people is growing and so is the need to take care of health, that’s why you need to check out some physical activities for older people.

Therefore, regular physical activity is very important for the health and well being of seniors.

These exercises help to delay aging and all the other symptoms that come with it.

Besides strengthening the body, physical activities for older people helps to keep the mind active.

Thus, avoiding degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

In this way, training can help seniors to have more autonomy in their basic daily activities.

And with this, avoiding different types of motor, neural, or even heart diseases.


However, it is important to remember that these exercises must be of low intensity and low impact to avoid possible injuries.

In addition, it is essential to have medical follow-up.

For this reason, we have separated some options of physical activities that can be of great help for you who are over 60.

1- Pilates

First, we will talk about the importance of pilates, which is very important for keeping a good functioning and balance of the body.

This activity is extremely recommended for older people.

In this way, pilates is a low-impact exercise and also strengthens muscles and joints.

In addition, it is an activity that is very helpful for motor coordination and reflex speed.

Thus it helps to prevent many diseases.

For example, arthritis, osteoporosis, and degenerative diseases.

However, it is essential to perform a physical evaluation before starting this activity.

2- Hydro gymnastics

In this paragraph we will talk about hydro gymnastics, which is a very frequent and effective activity in the senior group.

This physical activity for older people helps to strengthen muscles.

Therefore, hydro gymnastics is made up of many exercises in the water, which reduces the chance of injuries.

In addition, these are exercises that have no impact on the joints.

Thus, you can exercise the leg and arm muscles with the help of equipment or even without it.

Therefore, hydro gymnastics is highly recommended for people with osteoporosis or joint problems.

For it helps prevent the loss of bone and muscle mass, and promotes weight loss.

3- Walking

Last but not least we will talk about the importance of walking in the health care of the elderly.

Walking promotes better blood circulation, decreasing the chances of cardiovascular diseases drastically.

Thus, a light walk with a good regularity can help control blood pressure.

In addition, it can also reduce the levels of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.

Thus, avoiding the appearance of diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

Thus, with a 30 minute walk you can improve your lung capacity as well as invest in your well being.

This exercise is highly recommended for muscular and mental health, and even for the quality of your sleep.

The walks promote the relaxation of the body and the mind, besides decreasing the levels of stress and anxiety.

That’s why they are highly recommended and very effective, promoting a healthier and more comfortable aging.