Free Healthcare – Learn about it


If you’ve ever needed healthcare, you know that costs can be very high. For that reason, you need to learn all about the Free Healthcare Medicaid.

Medicaid is a federal and state program that provides free or low-cost health coverage to millions of Americans.

The program can be obtained for low-income people, families and children, pregnant women, people with disabilities and the elderly. 

So the government provides some amount for Medicaid Program and sets guidelines for the program. 

Medicaid programs vary from state to state and may also have different names, like: “Medical Assistance” or “Medi-Cal”.

Who’s eligible for Medicaid Program?

The eligibility will vary by state, but applicants generally must meet all of the following:

  • A resident of the state in which you are applying
  • Financial situation is low income or very low income
  • A citizen of the United States or some qualified non-citizens, as lawful permanent residents

Visit your state Medicaid page here – So you can see all options for coverage it may provide.


How you apply for Medicaid Free Healthcare

You can apply for Medicaid at the Health Insurance Marketplace or in your state Medicaid agency. 

If you want to apply on the Marketplace, you need to visit the application website, create an account and complete an application.

Therefore, you need to access this website.

Medicaid based on income

You can also find out if you’re eligible for free healthcare by Medicaid based on your income.

Basically you can qualify either based on your income alone, also family status, household size, disability or other factors.

But, it can vary from state to state.

So if your household income is below 133% of the federal poverty level, you’re in.

It’s very easy to calculate that on the official website.

Enter your household size and state in the savings tool, then you’ll see if you can have Medicaid or even savings on a plan.

And even if you don’t qualify for Medicaid because of your income, you should apply. 

That’s because you can qualify for your state’s program, especially if you are pregnant, have children or have a disability.

You can apply for Medicaid any time of the year cause Medicaid doesn’t have an enrollment Period.

To see if you can get free health insurance by Medicaid you can calculate it on the website.

Community Health Center

Last, if you are not eligible to get Medicaid or Marketplace savings, you can get health care at a community health center closer to you.

These health centers have funding to provide care for Americans based on their income. 

Therefore, they provide services on a sliding scale and how much you’ll pay depends on your income. 

Community health centers are located in urban and rural areas. They provide:

  • General primary care
  • Prenatal care
  • Baby shots
  • Specialized care: mental health, HIV/AIDS and substance abuse

Last, please note:

You don’t have to pay the fee if you don’t have a health care coverage.

Also if you live in a state that doesn’t have Medicaid and you’d have qualified if it had.

To find the closest community health center, you can check it out on the website.

Need help? You can talk to Medicaid

If you still need help, even if to know if you’re eligible to receive Medicaid benefits, contact your state Medicaid office.

So you can find all the options (phone number or office’s address) to talk to them on the website