The best satellite apps


If you want to explore places or even your own city through satellite images, then you need to check out the best satellite apps.

Nowadays satellite images are extremely useful and necessary.

It can help us locate, and guide us in the right direction.

In questo modo, the best satellite apps can provide you with a realistic experience and image of your desired location.

So you can plan your travel itinerary much earlier and much more safely.

Avoiding unexpected situations along the way.

So it is clear that satellite applications are indispensable.

In addition, with a few clicks on your phone’s screen you can already have a privileged image of the place you want.

As technology is always there to help us, this time is no different.

Now you won’t need to carry around huge paper maps on your trips anymore.

All you have to do is install the best satellite apps on your cell phone.

For this reason, we have separated a list with some great options of applications that can help you a lot in your daily life.

1- Google Maps

First we will talk about Mappe di Google which is a great option for those who wish to have access to satellite images.

This application has several functions besides gps navigation.

For example, it allows you to know the traffic conditions at any time.

This way you will never again have unexpected problems on your way or be late for work.

This way you can choose the best route to take, avoiding delays during your trip.

What’s more, Google Maps also allows you to use it offline.

This means that even if you are in a place without an internet connection, you can still access the route to your destination.

The application also has a 360-degree street view that allows you to walk through the streets and see different places of interest.

For example, inside museums and restaurants.

Finally, this platform is available for free for Android and IOS devices.

2- Google Earth

In this paragraph we will talk about this application that is considered by many to be one of the best satellite applications.

This application is available for free for Android and IOS devices.

Google Earth is an application with satellite images in 3D.

Thus providing realistic images of any place in the world.

In addition, this application also has a 360 degree street view.

3- Terra Explorer

Ultimo ma non meno importante parleremo di Terra Explorer, which is also excellent for those who want to see the world from above.

This application has a differential in that it integrates with the Skyline products for easy access to your data.

In this way, you can visit and discover amazing places for free and in a very practical way.

In addition, it features high resolution, textured 3D images, ensuring a very realistic experience.

This way you can zoom in and see up close all the details of your city or even another country.

Finally, you can find this app available for free for Android and IOS devices.