If you’re looking for a Birth Control, you need to know more about Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality and affordable health care.
It’s also the U.S largest provider of sex education. With or without insurance, you can always have help.
To learn more about how to get Birth Control and book an appointment on Planned Parenthood, we’re gonna help you out on this post.
Birth Control
Birth Control is the safest and easiest way to prevent pregnancy.
Some kinds of birth control can also help treat health problems or provide other health benefits.
Besides, they can even help making periods less painful.
One thing to pay attention is that are lots of different birth control methods and they work in different ways.
A staff member will help you to find which method it’s best for you. They offer all this options:
Birth Control: Implant / Patch / Pill / Shot / Sponge / Vaginal Ring
FC2 Female Condom
Cervical Cap
Fertility Awareness Method (FAMs)
IUD (hormonal, copper)
Men’s Sterilization (Vasectomy)
Sterilization (Essure, Tubal Ligation)
Other Birth Control Services
Insurance and Payments – How it works
Don’t worry about costs. You just need to talk to the staff to know the best way for you to get your birth control.
That means that they will help you to find what you can pay.
If you don’t have insurance or Medicaid, you can possibly qualify for a state-funded program or a lower fee scale.
You’ll be assisted to get your birth control in some way.
Other services offered
The Planned Parenthood centers can provide health care in all this services:
Women’s Health Care
Abortion / Abortion Referrals
Birth Control
HIV Services
LGBTQ Services
Men’s Health Care
Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)
Pregnancy Testing & Services
Primary Care
STD Testing, Treatment & Vaccines
When you visit the closest center, you can learn all about the services that are offered, prices and what to expect.
Planned Parenthood App
With the app, you can have your birth control pills delivered to your house.
Also, the app allows you to have unlimited access to the doctors and nurses to get help when you need.
Basically, you can get health care anytime, no appointment needed.
On the app you can also:
- Get discreet packaging
- Make a request anytime, anywhere
- Secure patient information
- No appointment or physical examination needed (in most cases)
- Get in and out in about 10 minutes
The app is free and available for Android and iOS.
How to book an appointment
Finally, If you’re interested in getting a birth control, you can book an appointment at the closest Planned Parenthood.
To find the closest to you, visit the official website, put your informations and you’ll be able to book an appointment.
Besides, you can call 1-800-230-7526 to book an appointment.
Language and Interpreters
If you don’t speak English or Spanish, you can have an interpreter on your appointment.
To have that, you need to tell them that you need one when book your appointment, that’s a very important thing.
There are interpreters available for lots of other languages.