Pregnancy test app – 3 best options


Learn now how to find out with your cell phone if you are pregnant using the Pregnancy test app.

This app has gone viral, so many women are using it all around the world.

With the app, you will answer a few questions to know if you’re a potential mom to be candidate.

So, that means that you can easily get the app now and know if you’re possibly pregnant or not.

Check out below the 3 best pregnancy test app we’ve picked for you:

1- How to know if you’re pregnant

First option, this app that will help you to know what are the chances of being pregnant.

The app shows you 16 early signs of early pregnancy symptoms, so you can see one by one and see if you have any of them.

For example, symptoms like: Headache, Dizziness and retching.


You know, the symptoms can be confused with only menstruation symptoms.

So it’s important to know the difference, that’s where the app will help you.

Therefore, you must do everything the app asks you, so then you’ll see the chances of being pregnant.

Also, you can see pregnancy “Frequently Asked Questions” to get help if you have any questions.

In addition, the app has a lot of tips on:

What is the first week of pregnancy like?

What to do if you are pregnant

Pills to relieve early pregnancy symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms of every week

How to know if you’re pregnant app is available for Android phones.

2- Pregnancy test: Symptoms

Second option, check if you are possibly pregnant with a simple test covering common pregnancy symptoms.

The app has a questionnaire to help you find out if you are likely to be pregnant.

It’s 15 questions about the most common pregnancy symptoms on the first weeks of pregnancy.

After you answer, with all dates and data you put on it, the app will calculate about the real possibilities of being pregnant.

And then, it will show you the result in percentage, so you’ll be able to decide if it’s time to see a doctor.

The questions are related to symptoms, such as:

Nausea, appetite, vomiting, tiredness, irritation, heartburn, constipation, among others.

The app also has other features:

  • Share the results with your friends and family
  • Check your physical test:

    If you have doubts or the line is not clear, take a photo of your test and edit it in order to see it clearly

– Photo edit: Take a photo of your test once you take a physical test and edit it and add effects

Pregnancy tracker – See your baby week by week


After that, share it with your family and friends so they’ll know that you are expecting a baby.

The Pregnancy Test app is available for iOS iPhones.

3- Pregnancy Test Quiz

Last great option, the app will help you to know whether you are pregnant or not.

The quiz has series of questions based on all different pregnancy symptoms.

Also, the app will bring you tips, first signs of pregnancy, information about pregnancy stages, teenage pregnancy, etc.

In addition, the app has different information about the signs of early pregnancy.

With that, you can learn about home pregnancy tests used in the past and have access to many other tips.

There are also several articles with advices, tips and recommendations for you to have a smooth pregnancy.

In the articles you’ll find informations like: which foods you can eat, which ones to avoid during pregnancy, false pregnancy and much more.

How to use the app pregnancy test quiz:

  1. Get and open the app
  1. You will find 3 options: 1- online pregnancy test 2- 2 sections about home pregnancy tests and tips about pregnancy signs
  1. Pregnancy quiz: answer some questions related to early pregnancy symptoms

    At the end of the test you’ll se a result based on the answers you have chosen
  1. Home testing: Articles related to home pregnancy tests that were used in the past
  1. Tips: Articles with advice, tips and recommendations to make your pregnancy more bearable:

    Kind of food you should avoid during pregnancy, false pregnancies and more.

Pregnancy Test Quiz app is available for iOS iPhones.